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Get It Done

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Get It Done A Template to GetThat Project DoneThat You've BeenPutting Off.

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My PromiseIf you follow the steps in thistemplate and do the work,you'll come away with a planyou can stick to completeyour important businessproject.

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What Are We Working On ?Choose the key project or business activity thatyou are working the method for.What Key Project or Business Activity Do You Want to Get DONE ?

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The Scientific Formula of MotivationIn his book The Procrastination Equation, PiersSteel lays out a formula with 4 components whichdetermine our motivation level for any goal.Motivation = Expectancy x Value / Impulsiveness xDelayWhat are these components, how do they eachaffect our motivation and how can we HACK them?EXPECTANCYThe more likely you think that you are to reach yourdesired outcome the more motivated you are to do thework to get there. Hack this with PLANNING.VALUEHow much you value the outcome? The more it means toyou the more motivated you become. Hack this byanalyzing the BENEFITS of outcome and costs of it's lack.IMPULSIVENESS Our need for instant gratification, the shorter the horizonuntil we get a reward the easier it is for us to feelmotivated. Hack this by BREAKING IT DOWN andcelebrating wins DELAYPutting things off until the last minute because as theybecome more urgent we suddenly become much moremotivated and work a lot harder. Hack it with DEADLINES

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Getting CreativeOften we gets locked on the way that we think aproject needs to be done. Could there be totallynew approaches that are more effective? Explore!What would happen if I just forgot about this project completelyand let it go?Is there someone else that I could hand this project off to and getit done?What's a completely different approach I could take to getting thisproject done?

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Uncovering Hidden FearsLet's uncover some hidden fears that might be holdingyou back. These questions might seem counterintuitive. Answer them anyway!What is the DOWNSIDE of gettingthis project done?What is the UPSIDE of NOT gettingthis project done?

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Involving Other PeopleA great strategy to use is involving other people.This will really motivate you. Who are the peoplethat will benefit from completing this project? Whoknows about it? Who can hold you accountable?Who will benefit from this project? Who knows about it? Who canhold you accountable? 1234

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Getting Clarity on The ScopeBefore you can do something it's important tounderstand very clearly and specifically what needsto be done. Without this the projects seems moreoverwhelming and is more difficult to start on.What specifically needs to bedone here? How will you know when thisproject is complete?

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Thinking About PrerequisitesSometime there are prerequisites that must betaken care of before the real work can start on yourproject. These questions will help you becomeaware of these.Is there a decision that you need to make before you can start theproject? Different approaches to consider? Make the decision!Is there required information tocollect before you start?Are there required skills toacquire for this project?

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Laying Perfectionism To Rest!In the interest of getting this done I am ready to letgo of perfectionism! Imperfect action is better thanperfect inaction!Create your NOT TODO list. these are things that you won't donow! (You can still come back and do them at a later time!)

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Create Your Smart PlanCreate a plan! Break your project down into clearsteps. Each step should be of a good size and nottoo overwhelming. Time time to celebrate aftereach step that you complete!Create your step by step plan:1 2 3 4 5

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Create Your ScheduleThe only way to make sure that something getsdone is by having it on your calendar. Being clearand specific about when you will be working oneach step of your project and when it will be done.Create your schedule

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Get My Help Creating Your PlanBOOK A FREE PLANNING SESSIONWould you like an extra set of eyes on the planyou've created? Or help creating a plan you canstick to? Book a free consultation and get mysupport."My experience was phenomenal. I received somuch more than I ever could’ve hoped for. Ifyou’re looking to evolve your personal orprofessional life I highly recommend utilizingElisha’s Services. It wasn’t like I expected, but itwas so much more beneficial to follow hisstructure and outline. I have created some trulyamazing new habits. "- Jacob Ahdoot Owner HaiCreative Marketing